
Hware 38 by Trilo

  • Label: Renegade Hardware
  • Title: End Game EP
  • Reference: Hware 38
  • Format: 2x12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Drum & bass
  • Style: DRUM N' BASS, Hardstep
  • Weight: 0.50
  • Release date: 02/06/2016
  • Catalog entry: 02/06/2016
  • Average rating:

Hware 38 review

* And so, the end is near. The aptly named End Game EP, from Trilo will fill the role of HWARE38, one of the final projects for the Renegade Hardware label.

* Always forward thinking; always marked by quality and dedication, the standard doesn’t slip on the End Game EP. Trilo is a producer from Slovakia, now residing in Poland, who has issued music on Bad Taste, Eatbrain, Disturbed,as well as Hardware. Involved in music all his life, Trilo has been steadily evolving as an artist and this EP is a perfect showcase of this development and his work fits right into the legacy of the Hardware empire.

* Opening track Gatekeepers is collaboration with another fine break through producer – UK based Artifact. This cut perfectly sets the tone for the EP, with eastern influenced sounds emanating and filtering around a filmic beat and fascinating strands of melody. The track is heavy without being overbearing, showing flashes of light to contrast with the darkness.

* Track 2, Outburst is straight no-nonsense Hardware business of the finest order. Step back, take it all in and shock out. Full of atmosphere and control. Synth stabs ride the rails, as Outburst follows its own path into the future.

* Next up is the title cut Endgame. A lush, layered trip into the unknown, where Trilo opts for a more considered approach, before ramping things up with stinging bass runs and sharps twists and turns back and forth. Multi-dimensional, rising and falling, this one has it all.

* Last word goes to Closing Chapter, finishing as the EP starts with another collab, this time with a production outfit that has been creating big waves in the dnb scene recently – the mighty Zombie Cats. The track, with its suitably reflective intro, soon runs into a a paranoid educing state, unleashing a bombardment of jagged beats and bass as we venture once more last time onto the sonic battlefield.

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