
Squat 01 by Jeff Amadeus

  • Label: Squat Records
  • Title:
  • Reference: Squat 01
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: Banging
  • Weight: 0.22
  • Release date: 09/09/2005
  • Catalog entry: 09/09/2005
  • Average rating:

Squat 01 review

Loud hardtechno & Locked groove. Like a Zen crashing plane, like a classic upgrading the classics, like a big Mastering over the cuttings... Jeff Amadeus first shot. Repress, of course. But showing the skills of someone who really learned a lot by listening Reload chessmates. When Tempo is is low and energy is High you know you are in the no-man's land where the «normal» dancefloor can be driven where the Party Begins. The Dancefloor music is like a Magic tricks. Big One !

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Customers reviews

jean michel coelho , 02/21/2006

excellent, une BOMBE de vynil.
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