
Narcosis 10 RP by Mantrum, Sevenum Six, Acidolido, Collision, Shmirlap, Jaquarius, Mr Gasmask, Emetic, Minus Polaris, Scandal Orchestra

  • Label: Narcosis
  • Title: Unclear Ascension
  • Reference: Narcosis 10 RP
  • Format: 2x12"
  • Country: BE
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: Tribe Acid, Mentalcore
  • Weight: 0.48
  • Release date: 06/16/2023
  • Catalog entry: 06/16/2023
  • Average rating:

Narcosis 10 RP review

Superb gatefold printed sleeve...

Conceptual inside brain travel...

To express the mental acid sounds to check...

First track announces the style with a long Break intro... mental tune... Superb ambiances... very cinematic and good to mix.

Second track goes 128 BPM acid progressive Techno... Excellent Dj tool at a rare speed... flirting with Trance.

Last track of the A side grow the speed up to 150 BPM with a long break intro turning after a while more or less 4/4... The sound is very acid and industrial. A big tune !

B side goes up to 160 BPM : minimal acid sound.

And finishes in a dark 170 BPM progressive acid track. Mentalcore area starts here...

Second record opens with a 146 BPM Techno mental acid stabilizer. Deep.

Second track is Mentalcore big acid overdrive dancefloor pearl from Mr Gasmask !

Last track of C side from Emetic is a Hardcore splendid exciting tune... Maybe the best of this record. Quiet minimal and banging at 170 BPM, it reminds the A Symetric Spivey style:)

Last side, opens with Minus Polaris and a pure mental acid grower

Last tune of this jewel is from Scandal Orchestra, a Hardcore frontier Hardtek acid track in the classic french good vibe style... Enjoy !

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