
Samurai Redseal 07 by ASC

  • Label: Samurai Music
  • Title: Space Echo EP
  • Reference: Samurai Redseal 07
  • Format: 12" Marbled
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Drum & bass Future beats
  • Style: XP Drum
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 02/15/2016
  • Catalog entry: 02/15/2016
  • Average rating:

Samurai Redseal 07 review

Defenitly a label to check 100%... Here comes a bloody good first track, 170 BPM unformated Drum & Bass, acid anbd mental... Space Echo, the second track is a Men,tal kick acid techno bloody tune... Depp and beautyful. B side goes Reveal... Splendind 170 BPM as well little pearl... After Party mental ambiance as well... The finish goes with Vanium... Mental Innersphere little groove

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