
Artists In Action 01 by Crystal Distortion, Suburbass, Matt Weasel, Seve & SleepingWater

Artists In Action 01 review

Records for AIA organisation. All benefits and even a bit more have been donate in advance to the Artists In Action Association... Organising kitchen in Calais refugees camp « The Jungle ». Here we got one excellent techno tune from Crystal Distortion, one pumpin from Suburbass and a great funny tribecore track from Matt Weasel Buster Tribe :) We also have here something really sticking to the subject : a tune made with sounds from the Jungle.

Seve & SleepingWater - Run For Human Values's Video Clip here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIy1BvpIjOY

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Customers reviews

Micky Willis , 03/07/2016

Great Tracks for great cause ! Check this out ;)
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