
Soma 452 by Deepchord

  • Label: Soma
  • Title: Atmospherica Vol. 2
  • Reference: Soma 452
  • Format: 12" Color
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: House / electro / minimal Ambient electronica
  • Style: Deep House, Deep Techno, Ambient
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 03/26/2016
  • Catalog entry: 03/26/2016
  • Average rating:

Soma 452 review

Deep matter for timeless deejays... With an ambient bonus to play by the seaside.

Atmospheric Vol 2 is the second single to be taken from Deepchord's latest full length but sees him stray from the album tracks, bringing 3 exclusive pieces to the vinyl, keeping in the same musical vein as Ultraviolet Music.

Exploring the North & Pinewood Lodge see Rod Modell on more Deep Techno excursions as beautifully sweeping pads and glistening synths drift by ever evolving, perfectly processed atmospheres. Deepchord's unique use of subtle field recordings throughout give both of these tracks a real heady/druggy quality and his seamless loops allow you to drift of into his fully developed dream world. Shot Point delves into straight up ambient territory with Deepchord striking an unearthly balance between the natural and synthetic world. Yet more flawlessly collected field recordings wash away on an ocean of reverb soaked pads, drowning the listener within its mesmerising tides.

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