
Blackout NL 29 by Telekinesis

  • Label: Blackout Music
  • Title: Obey EP
  • Reference: Blackout NL 29
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Drum & bass
  • Style: DRUM N' BASS
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 08/06/2016
  • Catalog entry: 03/22/2019
  • Average rating:

Blackout NL 29 review

BLACKOUT MUSIC deliver an oppressive statement with their latest slice of heavy dnb, this time in the form of Slovenian artist TELEKINESIS and their OBEY EP. Delivering 2 powerful tracks designed to ensure the dancefloor submits to the authority of their hard-hitting neurofunk aesthetic, this talented pair of producers step up their game in a significant way for their 3rd outing on one of dnb's most significant Labels.

BREAK's opening evokes the intro Prodigys Smack my Bitch Up before dropping into a tear out rave destroyer of the highest order. SHUT UP shifts the EP back into deadly serious territory with a mean edge and brutal half step smackdown delivered in the 2nd drop.

Telekenesis have carved a strong path with their releases to date, following up effective forays on Bad Taste and Eatbrain with an EP truly worthy of the standard set by Blackout Music NL. The OBEY EP sees these producers once again delivering on their promising talent and brutally taking control of the sound system to represent Blackouts mighty sound.

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