
Rupture LDN 11 by Outer Heaven

  • Label: Rupture LDN
  • Title: All Headz EP
  • Reference: Rupture LDN 11
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Ragga jungle
  • Style: Jungle, DrumNbass
  • Weight: 0.25
  • Release date: 08/06/2016
  • Catalog entry: 08/06/2016
  • Average rating:

Rupture LDN 11 review

Rupture continues it’s premier role in resurrecting and redefining jungle for the twenty-first century. Newcomer Outer Heaven joins the label’s roster for their eleventh release, a hefty three-track EP full of dubbed-out atmospherics, cracking breaks, and contemporary productions techniques.

The winds of jungle-past blow across the sparse landscape of “All Headz” - a screw-faced, dread-laden amen workout that leaves just enough breathing room between assaults for the dance to catch its breath before being pulled back into the swirling undertow. Menacing notes hang in the air of this hazy soundscape, punctuated by warped mic chatter and vintage samples.

On the flip side, “Rankin’” quickly elevates the system with a hypnotic cut of Afrofuturism dripping in thick, resonant vibes. Precision bursts of acidic fire cut through the smoky atmosphere, leaving room for cascading avalanches of amen fury, while pressure only builds again through the linear repetition of the vocal sample.

“Phantasm” begins with a fog of melodic atmospherics that quickly drifts across a heavy, mechanical drum pattern. A savage, organic rhythm emerges, bolstered by hoovering stabs and jangling effects. Although completely unrelenting after the first drop, this closing track never loses its groove.

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