
2nd Drop 12034 by Djrum

  • Label: 2nd Drop
  • Title: Space Race EP
  • Reference: 2nd Drop 12034
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Drum & bass
  • Style: Future Deep, Tribal Bass Music
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 08/27/2016
  • Catalog entry: 08/27/2016
  • Average rating:

2nd Drop 12034 review

* Closing out this superb trilogy of releases, we find Djrum exploring the upper reaches of the BPM register. If you’ve even witnessed a Djrum DJ set or listened to his mixes or indeed his releases on the brilliant Samurai Music label, you’ll know he frequently journey’s into drum and bass territory, and here over two epic tracks, he offers two supreme cuts of exhilarating music..

* Much like the classic track “Dam” on his debut album, Seven Lies, 'Space Race Pts 1&2', switches things up nicely, kicking things off at house tempo, before picking up the pace to unfold into a celestial DnB roller. But, as with all Djrum productions, nothing is quite that straight-forward; he constantly weaves percussion, space, bass and melody together to create something other-worldly..

* 'Pt 3 Sometimes I Share' closes out the EP in awesome fashion, the track is dominated by a honeyed vocal sample, which is defly danced around by cleverly deployed hand claps amidst the tight, rifling percussion and on/ off bass line. A fitting end to an epic trilogy.

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