
Shogun Audio 110 by Technimatic, Jinadu, Zara Kershaw, Lucy Kitchen, Maiday, Jono McCleery

  • Label: Shogun Audio
  • Title: Better Perspective
  • Reference: Shogun Audio 110
  • Format: 2x12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Drum & bass
  • Style: Drum N' Bass, DnB
  • Weight: 0.50
  • Release date: 08/27/2016
  • Catalog entry: 08/27/2016
  • Average rating:

Shogun Audio 110 review

* Described by Mixmag as ‘the best drum & bass album in years’ and earning a place in their top 10 LP’s of 2014, Technimatic’s debut ‘Desire Paths’ was a triumph in musically rich, fresh and eclectic drum & bass that saw them receiving support from the likes of BBC Radio 1, 6 Music, 1Xtra, Thump (Vice), DJ Mag, Resident Advisor and many more.

* Two years on, the stage is set for album number two ‘Better Perspective’, ready to soundtrack the 2016 summer with that ever-special Technimatic blend that has earned so much accolade. Sure to quench their fans’ thirst ten times over and achieve many more in the process, ‘Better Perspective’ is another highly accomplished piece of work showcasing one of the finest talents we have in drum & bass today.

* “Some find it in foreign travel: the chance to get away from everyday life and all its pressures and compromises, the opportunity to be someone else, somewhere else, for a while. Some find it on night drives, speeding away from home and everything it means, steering a lone course into the dark. We find it in music, and always will: liberation, renewal and above all, a better perspective.

* Making this album was a lesson in the endless possibilities that can be created from familiar elements, and the ways in which structure and form can stimulate new ideas and directions. We came to it not knowing what we would discover; it’s left us with a new love for what we do. We hope you enjoy it.” Technimatic 2016

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