
Dosis Decibel 09 by Sam C, Dj Y, eMeL

  • Label: Dosis Decibel
  • Title: 4 To The Floor Acid To The Core
  • Reference: Dosis Decibel 09
  • Format: 12" Color
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: Acid, Tribe, Hardfloor, Freebreak, pumpin
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 09/16/2016
  • Catalog entry: 09/16/2016
  • Average rating:

Dosis Decibel 09 review

A side opens with a Sam C energic trippy mental acidcore track... Then comes a DJ Y very melodious space ship, abusing of old school breakbeats and 90's trancecore datas... Finally the tune is a triby breaky melodious tune in the state of mind of Mem Pamal :) Excellent ! B side goes Emel and a sneaky progressive Acid long run... Powerfull ! Last track, back to Sam C and his Hip Hop breakbeats sounds... A splendid EP, once again... With one of the very best track so far from DJ Y :)

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