
Ziq 369 by Mike & Rich, Aphex Twin, Richard D James, Mike Paradinas

  • Label: Planet µ
  • Title: Expert Knob Twiddlers
  • Reference: Ziq 369
  • Format: 3xLP
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Electro / breaks Future beats
  • Style: Breakbeat, Easy Listening
  • Weight: 0.75
  • Release date: 09/17/2016
  • Catalog entry: 12/17/2018
  • Average rating:

Ziq 369 review

Back in 1996, Richard D. James and Planet Mu boss Mike Paradinas collaborated on a bizarre self-titled album under the name Mike & Rich. A cult addition to their respective highly-regarded canons that saw the pair applying their braindance template to easy listening and funk, the album soon came to be known as Expert Knob Twiddlers thanks to the excellent cover art. Newly reissued on Planet Mu, the album has been "carefully cleaned up, re-edited and remastered from the original DAT tape [and] put into a more fitting order." Some twenty years on the album remains a playful listen made all the more compelling by the addition of seven previously unheard tracks. A must for any fans of Aphex Twin and u-ZIQ.

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