
Aufnahme Wiedergabe LP 12 by Veil Of Light

  • Label: Aufnahme Wiedergabe
  • Title: Ursprung
  • Reference: Aufnahme Wiedergabe LP 12
  • Format: LP
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Post punk / electro indus
  • Style: Electro Indus
  • Weight: 0.30
  • Release date: 09/18/2016
  • Catalog entry: 09/18/2016
  • Average rating:

Aufnahme Wiedergabe LP 12 review

Cold Wave calling for electro, defenitlvy hanged to the 80's. With a little accent of Clan Of Xymox (Throwing Stones) early years and a real solid Dive or even This Mortal Coil Guitar and effect spirit (Medusa) or synthetic as Trisomie 21 (Your Dagger)... With Trust you'll get more a Cassandra Complew state of minde... And a lot more referecnes are awaken by this superb LP... The Graphics also calls the nostalgy. A Great realese ! A great job ! Well done !!!

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