
Capsule Core 02 Blue by Dob Erman, Hydrophazer, Hutch, Paul Tergeist, Krapulaxx

  • Label: Capsule Corps
  • Title: The Sensored EP
  • Reference: Capsule Core 02 Blue
  • Format: 12'' Blue Marbled
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno Hardcore Home prod
  • Style: Freecore, Tribecore
  • Weight: 0.22
  • Release date: 06/13/2020
  • Catalog entry: 06/13/2020
  • Average rating:

Capsule Core 02 Blue review

BLUE MARBLED 150 copies limited edition

It's a crazy record that contains all the free party / hardcore experience. The cutting is so loud and the tracks so well done that the label keeps on repressing this CC02 since close to 6 years... Thankx to Empatysm family and some special alchimy for the pressing... And you DJs !!

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Customers reviews

d-kalke , 01/25/2015

dla bombe OLD SCHOOL!!!!
Temserian , 10/17/2013

Sylvain Guerras , 02/02/2008

Jonáš KRYŠTOF , 02/03/2007

do u really like it??
I DO!!
Tim Bollez2 , 11/09/2006

this waz my first record i bought in my life

great stuff
Jeffrey Tansey , 10/21/2006

best fucking capsule core record ever!!!!!!!!!!!
gergory lieure , 05/02/2006

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