
Nervous Horizon 06 by Second Storey

  • Label: Nervous Horizon
  • Title: Spin Cycle EP
  • Reference: Nervous Horizon 06
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Bass dubstep grime
  • Style: Techno, Bass, Electronic
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 12/17/2016
  • Catalog entry: 12/17/2016
  • Average rating:

Nervous Horizon 06 review

Burgeoning club label Nervous Horizon follow up label boss TSVI’s recent ‘Sacred Drums’ EP with a new EP from Houndstooth, AUS and R&S signee, Second Storey.

‘Spin Cycle’, comprised of three tracks written in the same warehouse space Storey shared with TSVI and fellow NH boss, Wallwork, earlier this year, details a micro-world of new ideas that Storey manifests within a sprawling, hyper-specific web of weird and wonderful bass abstraction. “It’s not often you go to a viewing and your potential house-mate actively wants you to make noise with no restrictions”, he says reflecting on first meeting TSVI while looking for a new place to live in London.

Energised by this new sense of creative freedom and boosted by a support network pro-vided by the extended NH crew (“Gugli (TSVI) and Tommy (Wallwork) were buzzing off these tracks when I played them”), Storey is at the top of his game across the EP.

From the fuzzy, looping programming on the title-track, written as if in a ‘spin cycle’, to the swinging, crunchy pressure on ‘Critters’ and the muffled, industrial-tech tones to ‘Sludge 3D’, ‘Spin Cycle’ plays right into the NH ethos — making music that sounds like nothing you’ve heard before.

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