

  • Label: PRSPCT XTRM
  • Title: Horsepowder
  • Reference: PRSPCT XTRM 30
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Hardcore
  • Style: Hardcore, Hardbeat
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 02/11/2017
  • Catalog entry: 02/11/2017
  • Average rating:

PRSPCT XTRM 30 review

Belgiums Modular Boy [KRTM] with his debut EP "Horsepowder" on PRSPCTXTRM. Including four super heavy distorted industrial bangers. PRSPCT Recordings does not take any responsability for any damage caused!

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joene , 02/19/2017

PCP is back!
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