
Musique Pour La Danse 05 RP by Frankie Bones

  • Label: Musique Pour La Danse
  • Reference: Musique Pour La Danse 05
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: BE
  • Categories: Electro / breaks
  • Style: Electro, Guetto
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 09/12/2021
  • Catalog entry: 09/12/2021
  • Average rating:

Musique Pour La Danse 05 RP review

Musique Pour La Danse welcomes celebrated Brooklyn DJ Frankie Bones and is thrilled to announce the release of 2 new exclusive vinyl EPs in the long lasting Bonesbreaks serie in collaboration with the artist own imprint Bangin Music.

Spinning records since the early 80’s, Frankie Bones imported Rave culture in the USA after he played Energy in UK in front of 25K. His Brooklyn Storm Raves and unique sound signature were the foundation of the rave movement in the whole United States of America. Frankie Bones had classic releases on Nu Groove, ESP-Sun, Logic, Rave Age, Underworld, Trax, XL, ran the successful Sonic Groove Records shop with brother Adam X aka Traversable Wormhole and Heather Heart and collaborated with Lenny Dee, Nico, Tommy Musto, Joey Beltram, KLF and the The Moody Boys to name a few.

The legendary Bonesbreaks serie started back in 1988 on Underworld Records and are elaborated irresistible sample-based tools for the working D.J.’s and reflects the artist deep love for dope breaks and dirty techno sounds. Eight most wanted classic cuts that will bring you back in time inside a sweaty hangar where fresh nasty stabs and acid hypnotic basslines are ruling the night forever.

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