
7TH 12012 by Peter Darker, Dark Kent, Wayne Darkley, Kid Lib

  • Label: 7th Storey Projects
  • Title: Choose Your Destiny
  • Reference: 7TH 12012
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Ragga jungle
  • Style: Jungle, Oldskool Jungle
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 02/11/2017
  • Catalog entry: 02/11/2017
  • Average rating:

7TH 12012 review

The man we all know as Kid Lib dons his cape and transforms into his superhero alter-ego; Peter Darker. Ably assisted by his sidekicks Dark Kent (AKA Percussive P) and Wayne Darkley (AKA DJ Bazia).

This dynamic trio proffer four pitch-black cuts full of crunching amens, miasmic atmospheres and grimey samples on one seriously heavyweight EP

You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it...Choose Your Destiny.

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