Lowriders 24 by Lewis James Follow
- Label: Lowriders Recordings Follow this label
- Title: Megacholy
- Reference: Lowriders 24
- Format: 12" Color
- Country: UK
- Categories: Bass dubstep grime, Drum & bass,
- Style: DrumN'Bass, Electronic, Grime
- Weight: 0.24
- Release date: 02/18/2017
- Catalog entry: 02/18/2017
15.58 € (TTC)
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Lowriders 24 review
Exploring the tactility of bass from both the hip-hop and the DnB side you’ll end up in a swirling lava stream with punchy basslines and tattered lost frail voices. Judo is the perfect example of this hip-hop and Drum & Bass fusion. As this track also showcases Lewis James' skill to combine theses unusual genres. Like sirens the voice snatches are seductive and suck you into the Megacholy. The gritty metal scrapes pierce the senses and the rousing synths are dripped with dystopian post apocalyptic Gotham. We love the world in alleys and post-industrial decay. With sparks of hope as in the alluring track Spiller.
Megacholy is a true Dazzle release. It has no limits, it’s deep and imaginative. It combines breakbeat science with DnB precision, industrial grits and hip hop punch. Truly diverse and seductive.
Lewis James has already an interesting track record. As a multi-instrumentalist, and a producer he is known for his diversity. He has a Lowriders kinda taste for bass culture, hip hop, soul and electronics. Worked for TV, film, and the game industry. Collaborated with Lorn, Om Unit, Dolor and just recently with Amsterdam based producer Sleepin Giant on the Disco Noir release for the Cosmonostro label and with Know V.A. for our Beatitude 2 track.
Dazzle Series
For our Dazzle series this idea of confusion and delusion is combined with how we select the music: Confusing the listeners with preoccupation of style and genre and then turning the whole thing around, upside-down, playing with expectation.
It’s about the tension between te compelling sound colors from Bass music, noise combined with whirring machinery to glossy rave synths and or RnB mash ups. In other words: using Gotham’s sonic textures and crafts them into brand new, glistening disrupting collages. With Lowriders we’re about those spaces in- between genres.
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