
UAT Kut 10 by Dj Gylend, The Untitled, DI Division, MF Machinist, Low Entropy

UAT Kut 10 review

Acid bordello keeps on scooting the legnds as well as the newskool unknown artists... with crazy collabs and bizarre choices... to keep music excitation alive:) That Low Entropy & MF Machinist tune, for instance is a pure melt of too much VS never enough... superb tune for a dancefloor as well as for a listener... Chaos goes on with a total hazardous printed sleeve or without printed sleeve (serygraphied actually)... No difference and no discrimination, just the big lottery of what you will get in your package. And just consider this is a total gamble thing (ahaha gamble 303 special casse-dédi) : hasardous for real. One chance on 2 ^^

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