
Philly Blunt 27 by Serum, Navigator, Trigga

  • Label: Philly Blunt
  • Title: Extra Blunts EP
  • Reference: Philly Blunt 27
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Drum & bass
  • Style: Drum N'Bass
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 05/13/2017
  • Catalog entry: 05/13/2017
  • Average rating:

Philly Blunt 27 review

After the huge success of last year’s debut Philly Blunt album, 21 years in the making, Serum is back at the helm for the "Extra Blunts EP". Picking up where the album left off Serum enlists the help of MC's Navigator & Trigga for a bumper set of Blunts.

* "The Finger" is one of the most requested tunes on the label in years, and has been getting support across the scene on dubplate over the last 21 months. Simple but deadly... use The Finger in your sets wisely for dancefloor devastation!

* Legend of the scene Navigator links up Serum for his Blunt debut and brings the 'Battle Cry' - a masterclass in how vocals can work on dancefloor D&B! And finally, "Phenomenon" is back with 'Part 2' which builds on the original cut taking it to a new level with the extended vocals from the infamous MC Trigga.

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