
Industrial Strength 102 by Dj Skinhead, Unexist, Satronica, Nasenbluten, The Outside Agency, The Sickest Squad, Angerfist, Deterrent Man

  • Label: Industrial Strength
  • Title: No tears For the Dead
  • Reference: Industrial Strength 102
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Hardcore Home prod
  • Style: Hardcore, Speedcore
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 06/11/2017
  • Catalog entry: 06/11/2017
  • Average rating:

Industrial Strength 102 review

Happy Birthday ISR ! Vinyl is back in town again ! ! Old classics remixed by the new generation... in a total Hardcore pityless style... With accelerations and beat changes in the middle of 2 of these 4 tunes, still firendly enough because the end of the tune is going back to its original tempo ^^ But well... this will hurt !!!!

Tracks list

  • 28374-1
    A1 - DJ Skinhead - Extreme Terror - The Sickest Squad Remix
  • 28374-2
    A2 - Unexist, Satronica - Fuck The System - Angerfist Remix
  • 28374-3
    B1 - Nasenbluten - Airstrikes - The Outside Agency remix
  • 28374-4
    B2 - DJ Skinhead - The Ultimate Cumshot - Deterrent Man Remix
  • 28374Add all tracks to a playlist

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