
ONEF 05 by Monty

  • Label: 1985 Music
  • Title: Hold Me Back EP
  • Reference: ONEF 05
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Drum & bass
  • Style: Drum & Bass
  • Weight: 0.25
  • Release date: 08/26/2017
  • Catalog entry: 08/26/2017
  • Average rating:

ONEF 05 review

Thus far, 1985 Music has boasted a number of releases as the new home of its founder, Alix Perez. Till date, there have been releases from Alix and a select few collaborators SHADES w/ Eprom, Taso (Teklife) and Skeptical (Exit Records). It is with the release of this EP where 1985 Music present themselves as a platform for new talent. Perez’s vision for 1985 is “...to push and support good, forward thinking music that I believe represents the focus of 1985..”. It is with this in mind that we proudly present the ‘Hold Me Back’ EP from Toulouse’s finest - Monty. Monty has already had support from Noisia, Kasra and Skeptical and can boast releases of singles on Critical Music and Invisible Recordings. This 4 track EP is mature and refreshing, and has been received well whenever played out. The music is dark, dynamic, minimal and refreshingly modern.

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