
Melting Bass 02-2 Color by Sparks, Timballmastaz

  • Label: Melting Bass
  • Title: Reflex Mirror EP
  • Reference: Melting Bass 02-2
  • Format: 12'' Color
  • Country: IT
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: Mental Tribe, Acid Tribe, Acidcore
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 02/05/2018
  • Catalog entry: 02/05/2018
  • Average rating:

Melting Bass 02-2 Color review

Excellent mental tribe sounds... progressive dancefloor music, with a bit of trancy aspect, and a solid Acidcore pearl for the finish !

Limited and number 100 copies

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Customers reviews

Waxinbong , 01/31/2021

So fat
Matt , 02/03/2018

Nice one
Luis , 02/03/2018

Great tracks by timballmastaz
Armo , 02/03/2018

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