
Dub 26 by Funckarma, Boom Operators

  • Label: Clone
  • Title: Focus Remixes
  • Reference: Dub 26
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Hip hop
  • Style: ELECTRO
  • Weight: 0.22
  • Release date: 12/16/2005
  • Catalog entry: 12/16/2005
  • Average rating:

Dub 26 review

Electro Hip Hop and Instrumentals and Acapellas. One mp3 sound is from A side but on this side you also have the instrumental and the acapella from the same tune. The scond sound sample is from B side. It's the instrumental version of the second remix. On the same track you got the original verion and the Unremix track. So, yes, there are 6 tracks in total on this EP. Probabably the best production from Dub !

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