
UTTU LP 02 by Hugo Massien, DJ Haus, Legowelt, Dj Seinfeld, Dj Boring, Dj Deeon, Asguith, Marquis Hawkes, The Analogue Cops, Justin Cudmore, Robert Dietz, Dj Normal 4, Dixon Avenue Basement Jams, TRP

UTTU LP 02 review

DJ Haus Enters The Unknown is a yearly compilation looking back at the last 12 months of UTTU releases - some obvious highlights but emphasis on overlooked b sides too. It’s also an opportunity to work with friends outside of the UTTU label by including exclusive collaborations and tracks from the UTTU extended family. Ahead of the full compilation release UTTU present a triple vinyl edition of the exclusive tracks and collaborations featuring: Legowelt, DJ Deeon, DJ Seinfeld, DJ Normal 4, Marquis Hawkes, DJ Boring & many more.

Tracks list

  • 32261-1
    A1 - Hugo Massien & DJ Haus - Network Processor
  • 32261-2
    A2 - DJ Seinfeld - Tell Me What U Want
  • 32261-3
    B1 - Legowelt - Amateur Astronomy
  • 32261-4
    B2 - DJ Boring & DJ Haus - Los Apson?
  • 32261-5
    C1 - DJ Deeon & DJ Haus - Jerkin’ Houz
  • 32261-6
    C2 - Asquith - This Time
  • 32261-7
    C3 - Textasy - Chillin' At The Beach
  • 32261-8
    D1 - Marquis Hawkes & DJ Haus - Dance
  • 32261-9
    D2 - The Analogue Cops - Neukolln Boutique
  • 32261-10
    E1 - Justin Cudmore - Straight No Chaser
  • 32261-11
    E2 - Robert Dietz - Junk Mail Gem
  • 32261-12
    F1 - DJ Normal 4 - Ufo Spotted At Ruhr
  • 32261-13
    F2 - Dixon Avenue Basement Jams & DJ Haus - Bullet Brain
  • 32261-15
    F3 - TRP - Stellar
  • 32261Add all tracks to a playlist

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