
Acid Night 32 by The Untitled

  • Label: Acid Night
  • Title: DeBiNage
  • Reference: Acid Night 32
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Hardcore Tribe / freetekno Home prod
  • Style: Acidcore
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 01/24/2019
  • Catalog entry: 01/24/2019
  • Average rating:

Acid Night 32 review

No Concession on this one... the uncomon rare oldschool sound pushed at its extreme pleasure : that particular sound we heard a lot here in France with XMF (formerly known as The Hacker), Bunker (NL) and to be more precise with Agro (UK) and Power Plant (Germany) but of course... Drop Bass Network (USA) ! Respect to the original Acid Hardcore caves ! BIG UP The Untitled !

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Customers reviews

sammie van Cleef , 01/21/2019

acid core the way it is supose to be !!!!
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