
Improvised Beats 05 by 69DB

  • Label: Improvised Beats
  • Title: Let It In / Let It Out
  • Reference: Improvised Beats 05
  • Format: LP
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno Ambient electronica
  • Style: Tribe, Ambient
  • Weight: 0.30
  • Release date: 02/11/2019
  • Catalog entry: 02/13/2019
  • Average rating:

Improvised Beats 05 review

Let It In on the A side is a banging 69DB sound... back to the early 90's... Rough kick for a sound experience... The flip is an Ambient level... Compared to the Improvised Beat 01 we here have a two dot one thing, with many more sound changes and still... taking its time with a kind of 70's naive feeling... that maybe irritate some... but let it out... Impro Beats... or no Beats ! Except the one of your heart !

Visual by 69DB and Feenix 13 !

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