
Broklyn Beats 23 by Rotator

  • Label: Broklyn Beats
  • Title: Redux
  • Reference: Broklyn Beats 23
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: US
  • Categories: Breakcore
  • Style: Party Breakcore
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 05/27/2006
  • Catalog entry: 05/27/2006
  • Average rating:

Broklyn Beats 23 review

REPRESS !! We first met Rotator back in 1999 when we were all beginning our record labels. Hailing from Rennes, a University town in NW France,? Frank Tavakoli and Gilles Gaultier played a live electronic mess of distorted breaks and fuzzy, compressed, intangible MCing. This was a new sound of pure punk energy and precise digital distortion. It contained too many breaks to be hardcore, so we called it breakcore. We released a 7" for them in 2001 while they were here on tour witnessing 9/11 with us. "Help Me Keep Up the Destruction" and "Chicken Boogie" helped define what many know as breakcore and sold out fast. Now 5 years later Rotator is simply Frank Tavakoli. Frank has gotten faster and more compressed, but also more dubby with an intensity dub has never heard before. Rotator will be releasing these tracks as part their their debut full-length later this year on Mirex. Until then, check Tavakoli's other projects on his Peace Off! and Mutant Sniper imprints. Check this link to hear the first track on their EP:?

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