
Applecore CD 01 by Dj Rupture

  • Label: Applecore
  • Title: Low Income Tomorrowland
  • Reference: Applecore CD 01
  • Format: CD
  • Country: US
  • Categories: Breakcore
  • Style: Orientalcore Mix
  • Weight: 0.15
  • Release date: 02/10/2006
  • Catalog entry: 02/10/2006
  • Average rating:

Applecore CD 01 review

Applecore is a new pirate disc label debuting with the U.S. release of DJ /Rupture's "Low Income Tomorrowland." Jace Clayton's new mix CD contains a rock solid 40 minute mix from Lemon-Red, Brooklyn's web radio show plus an hour-long MP3 mix from a German radio show. The reviews have already been astounding for this weblog-minded project. The 40-minute mix is still available online at?http://www.lemon-red.org/mix/past.html for your perusal. For us, the real highlight is the hour-long German radio mix which sheds a larger light on Clayton's ability to mix between genres. Check the Wire review below...

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