
Head Fuck 36 by DJ Mutante, Rottencore, Noizefucker, The Destroyer

  • Label: Head Fuck
  • Title: Headfuck Terrorists EP
  • Reference: Head Fuck 36
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Hardcore Home prod
  • Style: Hardcore, Speedcore, Industrial Hardcore
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 07/16/2019
  • Catalog entry: 04/01/2022
  • Average rating:

Head Fuck 36 review

After a long silence (since 2012) Head Fuck is back on vinyl !
A jewel... neither oldschool nor newskool, simply Hardcore and crazy dancefloor digger. Sounnds perfect. Comes with a sticker on the sleeve.

This shall be played at 45 RPM (no jokes)

This is limited to 200 copies !

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