
Sound On Probation 04 by Pylône

  • Label: Sound On Probation
  • Title: Black Grain
  • Reference: Sound On Probation 04
  • Format: CD
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Industrial
  • Style: Experimental Ambient
  • Weight: 0.15
  • Release date: 02/18/2006
  • Catalog entry: 02/18/2006
  • Average rating:

Sound On Probation 04 review

Listening to this minimal electro-acoustic disc one sees a context, a performance, an installation or projections that match the parasite-like noises. Definitely something very singular, dark and violent. There is a whole scale, an entire spectrum of sounds responding to or bouncing off each other in one composition that pop up again from track to track with brutality, but even the faintest sounds reappear. Disturbing cracking sweeps over low-frequency whistling, sharp oscillations overshadow a continuous dripping sound (Equation part.1). Bizarre scratching, maybe that of mechanical crickets, follow variations of tonality… Numeric interferences mix with more concrete sounds. Some notes stretch over a long process of break-ups while others simply burst. Up to you to match the environment to this abstract swarm…L.D/WTM

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