
Delsin 103 DSR by Vril

  • Label: Delsin
  • Title: Vortekz
  • Reference: Delsin 103 DSR
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Techno / hardtechno
  • Style: Techno, Mental techno
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 04/13/2020
  • Catalog entry: 04/13/2020
  • Average rating:

Delsin 103 DSR review

Vril is still a relatively little known artist but already he has some great accolades to his name: He has released a couple of great EPs on Giegling sub label Staub, had a track on Marcel Fengler's Berghain mix, Dettmann's Conducted and now appears with the 103rd release on Delsin. What he serves up is three titanic techno tracks designed with maximum dancefloor damage in mind. So big are these productions that we got a message back from that well known mastering company in germany. For some mystified causes some of our expensive equipment was crashing during the mastering session (!). They've been mastering records since over 20 years and that has never happened before like this. The Vortekz EP starts with the title track and it's a dramatic bit of big room techno with nerve gangling chords and plenty of sonic grit. The dub version is slower and more purposeful and is buried in a much wider, deeper groove that snakes more than stomps. Finally comes 'y7/10', which rocks back and forth in the same rusted loop as percussion flutters like tin foil in a stormy wind. The track flows an ever-higher arc of tension that eventually erupts into a sea of analogue fuzz and hiccupping techno beats.

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