
Word Sound 44 CD by Sensational

  • Label: Word Sound
  • Title: Natural Shine
  • Reference: Word Sound 44 CD
  • Format: CD
  • Country: US
  • Categories: Hip hop
  • Style: Rap, Abstract, Experimental, Cut-up/DJ
  • Weight: 0.16
  • Release date: 10/20/2003
  • Catalog entry: 10/20/2003
  • Average rating:

Word Sound 44 CD review

Good music at this price ??? crazy...

What can you say about this guy Sensational? Yeah, he's crazy, he's out there, he's a nut. But he also keeps coming with the sound you just can't keep down. After numerous guest spots, four solo albums, a feature film (Crooked: The Movie & The Soundtrack WSCD41), and now his fifth full-length, Natural Shine (WSCD044), it's safe to say that Sensational ain't no joke. He's got that Natural Shine, a burning charisma that incinerates all sucker MCs. After showing and proving as the posta child of the underground in Crooked, Sensational returns to elevate the game to new levels of dopeness. Armed with greater production values, cyber-beats, and a fuzz-free mic, the scrappiest MC/producer on the unscene crafts a potent elixir of hip-hop madness. Right from the "Jump Off," Sensational sounds hungrier than ever, his muted growl sharper and more focussed through cuts like "Stock Market Connection" and "Style Notice." You can also hear what he's saying as he drops punchlines that'll be giving you flashbacks like LSD. Whether its weed or women, beatboxing or freestylin' off the head top on "Press Record," Sensational is on a mission to make his visions of grandeur a reality. And just try to overthrow the flow. Unlike previous outings, Sensational hands over some of the production duties to Brooklyn's DJ Karlos, who also engineered most of the album at his Amazonas Jungle Studios. Additional production support from the Ill Saint ("Super Stylin'") and Japanese noiz arkitekt, Kouhei ("Jump Off") round out the tight, 14 track set. Sensational brings out his crew on "cipher" featuring Ed, Kev Hutch, and Black Chameleon, but Natural Shine is a solo affair that speaks from the heart of darkness.

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