
Elektron Libre CD 01 by Nikko, Dark Jedis, Anardoterep, Karta Artak, Karsher, RAF, Evelyne Troma, Monik, S20, Barouf, Ekureuil, Ludo

  • Label: Elektron Libre
  • Title: DesobeiDancia
  • Reference: Elektron Libre CD 01
  • Format: CD
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Post punk / electro indus
  • Style: Punk techno
  • Weight: 0.15
  • Release date: 03/11/2006
  • Catalog entry: 03/11/2006
  • Average rating:

Elektron Libre CD 01 review

Compilation featuring many artists from various alternatives movements : punk rock,, Ragga Jungle, Breakcore, Hardcore... A strong shot on the politics. A melting pot of activism and party-movement. Kicking future...

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Customers reviews

Hervé GOUDET , 02/03/2007

Phil (Elektron Libre) a vraiment assuré sur ce coup là !

Très bonne compil éclectique. Bien joué !!
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