
Samurai Music DE 17 by Quartz

  • Label: Samurai Music
  • Title: Snakes EP
  • Reference: Samurai Music DE 17
  • Format: 12'' Marbled
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Ragga jungle Drum & bass
  • Style: Drum And Bass, Jungle
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 09/19/2020
  • Catalog entry: 09/19/2020
  • Average rating:

Samurai Music DE 17 review

Elliot Garvey aka Quartz joins Samurai Music with 4 tracks of menacing weight for his debut EP on the label. With previous releases for labels like Metalheadz, DSCI4, and Invisible, Quartz’ powerful mix-downs and his knack for technical tunes that retain the vibe factor has him high on everyone’s radar. Into the Mist was the first tune signed for the Snakes EP, a tune that encapsulates the existing Quartz dark / light style with nods to legacy Drum and Bass perfectly. Snakes and Cluster Bomb are possibly Elliot’s 2 darkest tunes to date, focused, creeping sinistism with hulking constructions. Figure It Out lurks low, still retaining his perfectly focused build strength, but with a subtler approach and a pulsing bounce that burns through in the mix. Already garnering DJ support from the likes of Goldie, Flight, Loxy, Mako, Mantra, Double O and more, the Snakes EP looks set to be a new pinnacle for Quartz productions.

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