
Euroralph DVD 28 by The Residents

  • Label: Euroralph
  • Title: ICKY FLIX
  • Reference: Euroralph DVD 24
  • Format: DVD
  • Country: IT
  • Categories: Dvd selecta
  • Style: Musical Movie
  • Weight: 0.25
  • Release date: 04/05/2001
  • Catalog entry: 03/11/2006
  • Average rating:

Euroralph DVD 28 review

VILENESS FATS Vileness Fats was a feature length video “movie” which The Residents worked on from 1972-76 in their studio at 20 Sycamore St. in San Francisco. The studio was so small that they decided that all the characters, with the exception of a pair of Siamese Twin tag team wrestlers and an Indian priestess, should be one armed midgets so the set would look larger. The plot does indeed concern a love triangle between both sides of a schizophrenic character and the Indian priestess. One side of this split personality is the leader of the townspeople and the other is the leader of a group of renegades on the outskirts of town. Only his mother knows how confused he is. After four years and 14 hours of video tape, The Residents abandoned the project for reasons that have never been made perfectly clear. In 1984, they edited the material, added a new soundtrack and allowed it to be released as a documentary called Whatever Happened to Vileness Fats? In 2001 they restored more footage for the DVD, Icky Flix. Those projects and a few photos are the only public records of the project.

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