
Deathchant LP 14 by Hellfish

  • Label: Deathchant
  • Title: King Of Ironfist
  • Reference: Deathchant LP 14
  • Format: 3X12'' LP
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Hardcore Turntablism Home prod
  • Style: Hardcore, UK Hardcore, Funky Hardcore, Turntablism
  • Weight: 0.55
  • Release date: 01/12/2021
  • Catalog entry: 01/12/2021
  • Average rating:

Deathchant LP 14 review


A Very 70's Rap/funk ressourced, with massive High Raw Kicks and bloody Cuts.

As usually the PUNK style stand before all, with unexpected ruptures and changes. All tunes starts with some Skip Proof high time before running hordes of beats over the dancefloor...

A year of creation !

! 3xLP !

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