
Deathchant 97 by Hellfish, Khaoz Engine

  • Label: Deathchant
  • Title: Hell And Khaoz Part 1
  • Reference: Deathchant 97
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Hardcore Home prod
  • Style: Hardcore
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 04/07/2021
  • Catalog entry: 04/07/2021
  • Average rating:

Deathchant 97 review

Powerfull hardcore on the A side with Line Killas, bringing kick variations and braindead awaker dancefloor tricks... Followed by The Death Chamber, my fave track here, a masterpiece ! Fucking weldone kicker... Full of breaks and speeding up the brain. The label visuals speaks for itself^^ krkrkr
The flip opens with one of the slowest tune on Deathchant ever ^^ ahahah And a massive finisher behind.

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