
Angrr 26 by Uz Jsme Doma

  • Label: a N G R r
  • Title: Uprostred Slov
  • Reference: Angrr 26
  • Format: 2x10'' Yellow
  • Country: CZ
  • Categories: Post punk / electro indus
  • Style: Musette Punk, Xp Rock
  • Weight: 0.40
  • Release date: 03/20/2021
  • Catalog entry: 03/20/2021
  • Average rating:

Angrr 26 review

Premiere ALBUM from my favorite orchestra _ _ _ UŽ JSME DOMA, ah ! All of these songs were originally written & performed between 1985 and 1989 ; But UJD could not record them until the very beginning of 1990, just after the «velvet revolution» which droves «czechoslovakia» out of the soviet «communist dictatorship». The band had already been very active —illegally— for 5 years, so needless to say that Mirek and his band were already hot∼boiling and fine∼ready for this recording.
The ALBUM opens with «Ámen», a hymn to liberation. Its lyrics could be translate to : «Not just body / But spirit too / Not just fate / But hope too». Calm & solemn…

→ Originally pressed in ’90 as full∼lengh LP 12”. Here for the first time as «special DELUXE» Double EP 10” (clear YELLOW SUN vinyls) including new { covers & innersleeves } paintings & drawings from MARTIN VELÍŠEK & Miroslav Wanek lyrical poems translations in french, english and polish.

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