
Angrr 09 by Stanley Kubi

  • Label: a N G R r
  • Title: Music By
  • Reference: Angrr 09
  • Format: LP
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Rock wave punk
  • Style: Punk Rock, Hardcore Folk
  • Weight: 0.30
  • Release date: 03/20/2021
  • Catalog entry: 03/20/2021
  • Average rating:

Angrr 09 review

Pure underground punk rock stuff :)

Debut & unique ALBUM of STANLEY KUBI co∼released with german label, TCWTGA —in VINYL or CD— ; 13 acrobatic & eclectic fantaisies for a (very) original version around the shady luminous movie∼picture «BARRY LYNDON» from Stanley Kubrick ; Reviewed & corrected by 6 cinephiles alcoholics united…

Before you decide to consume this KUBI product : Think carefully about where you would put it in your record collection ← Between Scorpions and Supertramp… Sardou and Topaloff… Sepultura and System Of A Down… Siege and Terveet Kadet… Spike Jones and Tex Avery ? Will have we to choose between rain or shine ? Money or life ? The disc at 19,99€ at your local dealer or the free download ? Starvation or obesity ? Security or freedom ?

→ Ethyl (photo)graphic diversions from defunct TRAX.

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