
Angrr 24 by Albert Marcœur, Fantazio, Benjamin Colin, Christine Salem, Guess What, Witches Valley, Gopher Wyborowa, Dr Snuggle, MC Jacqueline, Unlogistic

  • Label: a N G R r
  • Reference: Angrr 24
  • Format: 4x10" Book
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Post punk / electro indus Rock wave punk
  • Style: Punk, Avant_Garde, Electro, Compilation
  • Weight: 1.00
  • Release date: 03/20/2021
  • Catalog entry: 03/20/2021
  • Average rating:

Angrr 24 review

ATTENTION : the tunes are not in the right order :)

These records comes in a box with a book !

The vinyls are full color !!

: Second volume of my { Book—Vinyl } collection : DONT WORRY BE ANGRRY :

← ↑ ↓→ E A R A C H E with FOUR different intriguing VINYLS ; mixing 8 various acrobatic & oblique, sonic & unique universes adding up 48 full passion compositions, for mostly 2 originals, instrumentals & vocals hours { You can listen a part of the chansongs on the audio∼player there all other titles of this boxset clicking on following arghtists’ names } : ALBERT MARCŒUR, FANTAZIO et BENJAMIN COLIN, CHRISTINE SALEM, GUESS WHAT, WITCHES VALLEY, GOPHER WYBOROWA, DR SNUGGLE & MC JACQUELINE and UNLOGISTIC.

← ↑ ↓→ E Y E A C H E with the 8 sleeve covers & vinyls labels illustrated by PLONK & REPLONK, MATTHIEU MESSAGIER, FRANK LORIOU, FÉLIX, ÉRIC CADILLAC, ANGELA EHRHARD, DAVID SNUG and PHILIPPE URBAIN ; as well as ONE copious & generous full graphic, poetic, eccentric BOOK more than thirty singulars & particulars arghtists { drawing, photography, painting, etching, writing, collage, montage, etc. } inside 60 shiny, bubbling & flaming PAGES —printed & bound on 150gr. paper, 10” size, square spine— featuring MARIE BOUSSEAU, FLORE KUNST, KIKI PICASSO, MASTO, MATTHIAS LEHMANN, SÉBASTIEN THOMAZO, POPAY, BENJAMIN COLIN, MÉLANIE TÖRÖK, LOULOU PICASSO, LULU LARSEN, LES CHATS PELÉS, NINA CHILDRESS, CHARLIE CHINE, LÉO QUIÉVREUX, ANNE VAN DER LINDEN, BALDO, NORMA { Myth’of the rainbow }, Rémi, FANTAZIO, PAKITO BOLINO, IVAN BRUN, EMY ROJAS, GASPARD LE QUINIOU, DENIS GRRR, ODILE ASTORGA, DAMIEN DAUFRESNE…

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