
Plasma Vortex Frequency 06 by Les Neiges Noires De Laponie

  • Label: Plasma Vortex Frequency
  • Title: Non Human
  • Reference: Plasma Vortex Frequency 06
  • Format: LP
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Hardcore Breakcore Industrial
  • Style: Bugcore, Hard XH, Flashcore
  • Weight: 0.25
  • Release date: 06/16/2021
  • Catalog entry: 09/10/2024
  • Average rating:

Plasma Vortex Frequency 06 review

LTD 100 copies / Printed Sleeve

A real brain destruction, so hard that it turns mental.
A side begins with a long bugcore electric spiking electro... A fakir track !

The second tune is experimental as well, destruction of jungle, of breakcore, of noises... Spiky too ! Fakir too !

The flip opens with a speedcore destructured tune, keep your breath and drown into this mental disturbance !

The finish, Zenkout... is a crunchy speedcore tune, shaking your body with a non-stop fatal kick.

A superb EP again from Les Neiges Noires De Laponie !

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