
Jah Floyd 01 by Jah Floyd

  • Label: Jamaican Recordings
  • Title: 20 Years Inna Leaky Boat
  • Reference: Jah Floyd 01
  • Format: 7''
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Dub / ragga
  • Style: Reggae, Dub
  • Weight: 0.15
  • Release date: 07/28/2021
  • Catalog entry: 07/28/2021
  • Average rating:

Jah Floyd 01 review

To celebrate 20 years of the record label Jamaican Recordings,Jah Floyd has cut a track telling the story of its beginnings and the people involved. The initial meeting of legendary Reggae producer Bunny `Striker’ Lee in Jamaica and the various artists that became part of the labels catalogue. Such greats as Tapper Zukie, Niney The Obsever, Black Solidarity producer Ossie Thomas. Artists and Producers who music helped define the labels sound. A great collection of releases for all involved alongside its other label Kingston Sounds.

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