
Discrepant 84 by People Like Us

Discrepant 84 review

Volcanically marooned in Baltimore and NYC, Bennett utilized some of her “free” time to work on the
album and even gained audio contributions from fellow experimental musicians Jason Willett (of Half
Japanese) and M.C. Schmidt (of Matmos) via her extended stay
Bennett derived thematic material of displacement, travel, and a longing for elsewhere from the
natural disaster that caused her own predicament. Now strangely echoed by the Covid-19 outbreak
and the various grounding of planes and stay at home policies worldwide.
While the general mashup culture often centres on the instant gratification of seamlessly juxtaposing
hooks, People Like Us tracks transform the source material into collages that are equal parts
dissonance and pleasure, making artful commentaries on our culture and Bennett’s own existential
amusement within such a wondrous world. No one could have predicted how relevant this album
would have been 10 years later.

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