
RAW Audio Distortion 19 by Violence, Niveau Zero

RAW Audio Distortion 19 review

sealed Printed sleeve - Orange Vinyl - LTD 300 copies

VIOLENCE is a brand new Metal, Industrial, Bass-music project produced by Niveau Zero. After
“In_Sect” (2010) and “Jasmine” his last album released in 2012, It was time for him to produce a
new LP. Composed of 3 members : Fabio Meschini (Guitar / L’Esprit du Clan, Ex: As They Burn),
Morgan Sansous (Drums / Henker) and Niveau Zero ( Production & Vocal). VIOLENCE is an ode
to a rising insurrection. It results in a raw, metallic and powerful sound.
Chronicle of the brutality of our era, OPUS 1 is a concept album composed with guests of choice such as Billy Graziadei (Biohazard, Powerflo), Code: Pan-
dorum , Julien Lebon (Atlantis Chronicles), Bastien Hennaut (HORSKH)...

Out April 30 on Raw Audio Distortion
On stage, VIOLENCE is Niveau Zero (Machine & Vocals), Fabio (Guitar) and Morgan (Drums).

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Customers reviews

louba , 07/22/2021

Insane fusion of Metal & Bass Music, brutal LP for those who know!
Big respects Niveau Zero, Fabio, Mergan and so!
FlorentDess , 07/22/2021

Très bon/beau vinyle, avec des featuring de fous ! A écouter d'urgence !
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