
Urban Poetry 01 by Cruel Culture, Elusive Elements Silent Mind, Tellus, Kodama, Turrican)

  • Label: Urban Poetry
  • Title: Silent Mind - Hyperion, Immortal
  • Reference: Urban Poetry 01
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Drum & bass
  • Style: Drum And Bass
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 10/07/2021
  • Catalog entry: 10/07/2021
  • Average rating:

Urban Poetry 01 review

This is Urban Poetry's 2nd 12“ vinyl release and it combines old and new in a beautiful and timeless way. Being located in Berlin, the label has been releasing 170 bpm music and beyond for almost twelve years now. Both tracks, Cruel Culture's Hyperion and Elusive Elements & Silent Mind's Immortal, first came out in 2012 as digital only releases and were musical milestones for the label. Their sheer beauty and grace is still breathtaking today. In Cruel Culture's Hyperion, celestial strings and atmospheric pads open up the doors for a dance of the titans, to which the track continually evolves into other spheres.

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