
Kniteforce FZ 04 USB by Stu Keating, Dj Beeno, Sunny, Deck Hussy, Luna-C, Cru-l-t, Knuckles, Ross Fader, Hannibal Selector, Ramos, Paul Bradley

  • Label: Kniteforce
  • Title: Vinyl Is Better 01-10
  • Reference: Kniteforce FZ 04 USB
  • Format: USB
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Ragga jungle Electro / breaks Nice price
  • Style: Jungle, Hardcore UK
  • Weight: 0.10
  • Release date: 11/17/2021
  • Catalog entry: 11/17/2021
  • Average rating:

Kniteforce FZ 04 USB review

The Vinyl Is Better CD series has been a landmark set of albums, spanning Kniteforce’s existence, with volume one coming out in 1994, and the final volume, volume 10, landing now and exclusive to this USB collection. This 8 gig USB is packed within a CD case, shrinkwrapped and packaged to perfection. It contains over 100 tracks in wav format with music from NRG, Pete Cannon, Vibes & Wishdokta, Luna-C, Dj Force & The Evolution, Sublove, Alk-e-d, Cru-l-t, Ramos, Sike, Abyss, Alex Jungle, TNO Project, Wislov, Future Primitive, The Timespan, Gothika Shade, Lockjaw, Dj Ham, Jimmy J & Cru-l-t and so many more…

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