
Le Dernier Cri 2xDVD by Mathias Lehmann, Tochka, Mike Diana, FTZ, Leyla, Los Lichis, Scott Batty, Caroline Sury, Fredox, Marcel Ruijters, Marc Druez, Mischa Good, carmen Gomez, Reïjo Karkaïnen

  • Label: Le Dernier Cri
  • Reference: Le Dernier Cri 2xDVD
  • Format: 2xDVD
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Dvd selecta
  • Style: Animation Art
  • Weight: 0.55
  • Release date: 04/29/2006
  • Catalog entry: 04/29/2006
  • Average rating:

Le Dernier Cri 2xDVD review

A Cult Movie / Un Film de Culte. 2 DVDs of short cuts and stories about the Polical & Sexual Deviance of Religions. Everybody hurts inthere... Teaser : http://www.lederniercri.org/videos/religionsSauvages/RSTEASER.mov

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