
Ibiza Riq 01 by Badman, Saltfish, Ackee, Bakes, DJ Gunshot, Fallen Angels, Back2Basics

  • Label: Ibiza
  • Title: Hard Food EP
  • Reference: Ibiza Riq 01
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Ragga jungle Electro / breaks
  • Style: Jungle, Hardcore UK
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 03/13/2022
  • Catalog entry: 03/13/2022
  • Average rating:

Ibiza Riq 01 review

Ibiza Records welcome's IQ Records to the famliy... Things don't get much more foundational than Marvellous Caine's original IQ imprint... A home to a whole gamut of gully slingers between 1994 -95.... Here is a 4 track EP 2 get dem jungle juices flowin...

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